About Us

We launched deetiles in early 2015 to help people create and share content in a personal and dynamic manner. People keep lists of information in many different forms, but often in ways that aren't engaging or easy to share. deetiles is a platform for anyone to quickly build lists on any topic with content that looks great, has robust features, and grows through social engagement.


Aaron Lim


Aaron studied Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at UC Berkeley and got into the startup scene as Director of Engineering for OnDeego Inc (rebranded as AppCentral and acquired by Good Technology). He has since returned to Singapore and worked at asset manager BlackRock prior to launching deetiles.

Nick Stoop


Nick received a degree in Business Economics from the University of Exeter before starting his career with BlackRock in London. He subsequently worked for BlackRock in both Dubai and Singapore prior to launching deetiles.

Contact Us

Have any question about the site or general inquiries regarding the company? Please feel free to contact us at info@deetiles.com